martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

The adventure ain't equal

I have lived a lot of adventures since I was twelve years old. It is very difficult to understand, but it isn't too, because my family was not very complicated, so they let me do what I wanted, and I have a cousin who invited me to enjoy several things in that epoch. So, I can consider that I was very premature in some things. Anyway... Continuing with my history, my parents was divorced since I was sixteen years old. So my life definitely changed when they decided to do it, nevertheless, I think that my life is better living without my father together. Nonetheless, we are always together in the most important situations, for example my graduation, my birthday or... I can't remember.

If you want to start to read, you should listen this session from Deborah De Luca: it could be better if you want to know what I was listening at the moment to write.

Approximately one year ago, I decide to star a trip. I was not sure how could be my city, country or my life. Sometimes we love planning our life, for example: we love to decide where do you live, what kind of job we would like, which could be our next place to travel, etc, etc, etc... But, when you take the decision of leave your country or your family (including your girl friend or wife), it is very hard. You have to think in detail each topic of your trip. In the first instance, I decide to go to Melbourne, Australia. I thought that it city is very cool, I have a very good friend who told me about his life in that place, so I started to feel jealous. His life was very nice, he has a job, he traveled a lot, he has touched the grown of Europe, Asia, Australia and America. He only need to go to Africa for telling that he has touched all the continents. Continuing with my history, I thought that Australia was the best idea, but I needed too much money for doing. So, my plans changed. I found another solution. I have a very good family in California, the best state of United States of America. I traveled to California, Nevada and Arizona last two in a half years ago, and I saw that the life in that place was wonderful. For that reason, I decide to change my trip and start a new adventure. My primary idea was study English, but I have never thought that I wanted to live here. If you are traveled for US, but you have not been in CA yet, you probably don't understand me. My secondary idea was travelling, and my third idea was find a big idea for have a lot of money the rest of my life.
I'm very ambitious, because I want to have a real life, I am not talking about having luxuries such as mansions, an collections of old fashion cars, but I am talking about having a very nice life, which I can travel for all the continents, which I can go to my own house and find my family very happy. Don't worry if I say my family, because I want to have a wife and two children. This is one of my ways in my life.
According to the last paragraph, my idea began whit the objective of learn English, so I remembered when I was traveling for that places and I had to speak in English a lot, then, I though that going to US could be a very very good idea and it could be cheap for me.

Finally, my idea started in November of 2013, but it came true in May of 2014. I needed to organize my trip and change my mind and say: Goodbye everybody, I need to learn more about the life. I hate to stay in the same place all the time, I needed a dynamic life, I needed to change the monotony, I needed to grow up. It was the reason: I needed to grow up. I am not senior, but this trip helps me to see the world in different perspectives. When I'm traveling, my mom always tells me about a phrase of the Holly Bible, it says: "Viaja y conocereis", it means "Traveling and you will know". I always think about it, for that reason my big idea began with a purpose: To conquest the world.

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